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Intra-organizational communication and team management
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Learning outcomes

Objectives and goalsClick to read  

At the end of this module you will be able to:

• know how and why to improve intraorganizational communication and team management is important
• be aware of the role and importance of a positive feedback culture and appreciation in strengthening intrapreneurship
• know how important shared vision, goals and requirements are and how to implement them
• to realize that it is important to involve all employees as part of an organizational development process
• practice and utilize successfully, based on the modules' insights, for exploiting communication and team management strategies as well as fostering intrapreneurship in daily work


Improving intraorganizational communication to strengthen the intrapreneurial culture

Definition & techniquesClick to read  

Definition of intraorganizational communication

The 4 Sides Model of Communication 

Criteria for a good communication/techniques in general

Criteria for a good communication/techniques in meetings


Frequent exchangeClick to read  

Conclusion: Masterplan

Criteria for frequent exchange:

Culture of feedbackClick to read  

Goal of feedback

Types of feedback which are useful

The “golden rules” for feedback – a checklist

Transparency of visions, goals and requirementsClick to read  

Action, requires, a vision and goals

9 principles for encouraging intrapreneurial behavior

Benefits of fostering intrapreneurship for your companyClick to read  
Improving team management as a precondition for intrapreneurial behavior

Leadership styleClick to read  
Organizational developmentClick to read  

Definition of organizational development

Module of leading chance

Leading Change
by John P. Kotter

Change management needs intrapreneurial behavior


AppreciationClick to read  


Precondition for intrapreneurial behavior

• Recognizable incentives are provided on an ongoing basis
• Raises the willingness to take the initiative

Types of appreciations

Different generations – different expectationsClick to read  
The PDCA cycle as a tool for implementation good communication and team management

Phases of the PDCA CheckClick to read  

The PDCA cycle for implementing improvements

• an approach based on the principle of continuous improvement
• aims at ongoing improvement in all departments of the company
• with the involvement of all employees

Examples how to utilize the PDCA cycle for continuous improvementClick to read  
Summing up

Summing upClick to read  

Well done! Now you know more about:

• the effect of intraorganizational communication and team management
• types of feedback and appreciation
• the definition and differences of visions, goals and requirements
• how and why involving all employees
• how to use the PDCA cycle as tool for systematic and continuous improvement


Intra-organizational communication, Feedback, Visions, Goals, Requirements, Leadership, Organizational development, PDCA cycle, Appreciation, &


At the end of the module, you will be able to:

• know how and why to improve intraorganizational communication and team management 

• be aware of the role and importance of a positive feedback culture and appreciation in strengthening intrapreneurship

• know how important shared vision, goals and requirements are and how to implement them

• to realize that it is important to involve all employees as part of an organizational development process

• successful practice and utilize, based on the modules' insights, for exploiting communication and team management strategies as well as fostering intrapreneurship in daily work


The module „Intra-organizational communication and team management” answers the question what companies can do to foster intrapreneurial behavior by their employees. Aside the globalization, a more competitive environment places pressure on companies to be more innovative. Intrapreneurship can help here. The improvement of intra-organizational communication and team management leads to a higher degree of intrapreneurial behavior.


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