Das international tätige Beratungsunternehmen d-ialogo ist seit 16 Jahren erfolgreich am Markt tätig. Wir konzentrieren uns auf den demografischen Wandel, das Change-Management von KMU die Arbeitsfähigkeit von Menschen im Unternehmen und die Vereinbarkeit von Personal und Management. d-ialogo wurde von Hans-Jürgen Dorr gegründet, einem Ökonomen mit Interesse an der Entwicklung von Unternehmer*innen und Unternehmen in der Zusammenarbeit mit den Mitarbeitern. Zu den Kunden zählen KMU, insbesondere in der verarbeitenden Industrie, kleine und kleinste Unternehmen, Gemeinden, Versicherungen, Handels- und Industrieverbänden sowie Ministerien in Deutschland und Organisationen der Europäischen Bildungspolitik. . Hans-Jürgen Dorr und sein Team arbeiten intensiv in Erasmus+-, Equal- und Adapt-Projekten (finanziert von der Europäischen Kommission) mit. Er ist einer der führenden Experten rund um den demografischen Wandel in Deutschland. d-ialogo unterstützt Institutionen bei der Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Qualifikationen und Schulungen durch modernste Technologien, Methoden und Lernlösungen.
Die Centrum für Innovation und Technologie (CIT) GmbH ist die regionale Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft des Landkreises Spree-Neiße. Die CIT GmbH führt alle relevanten Aktivitäten einer Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft wie Ansiedlungs- und Investorenbetreuung, Betreuung von bestehenden Unternehmen des Landkreises und Unterstützungsservice für Gründungswillige (Inkubator für Unternehmertum) durch. Darüber hinaus ist die CIT GmbH für den Breitbandausbau im Landkreis zuständig und ist in der Entwicklung sowie Begleitung von deutsch-polnischen Kontakten aktiv. Mit dem Strukturwandel in der Region und dem damit verbundenen Verlust von Arbeitsplätzen und Know-how (Braindrain) sucht die CIT GmbH nach neuen Absatzmärkten für Unternehmen des Landkreises, um die Fachkräfte in der Region zu halten. Die CIT GmbH ist erfahren in der Projektarbeit auf Landes-, Bundes- und EU-Ebene. Die Projekte orientieren sich meist an den Bedürfnissen der Unternehmen, von der Investition bis zur Personalqualifizierung. Die CIT GmbH bietet eine ganze Kette von Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für potentielle Unternehmer, angefangen bei niedrigschwelligen Angeboten zum Erwerb unternehmerischer Kompetenzen, Beratung vor und nach der eigentlichen Existenzgründung, Mikrofinanzierung und europäischem Unternehmeraustausch.
CCG Clever Collaboration Group (CCG) is changing the way people work together by unleashing the inherent power of organizations for development towards more sustainable business and communities through digital support, strategic management & coaching, and education. The CCG network was established as early as 1995 by pioneers in digitalized work processes, group developments, workshops, and other strategic processes. These pioneers started CCG Europe Ltd in the United Kingdom in 2010. 5G Continuity AB was established in 2009 and took over the CCG brand in 2013 and transformed it into Clever Collaboration Group Europe AB. CCG Europe AB is committed to a strategic level in society. As early as 2007, the company's founder, Pierre Wettergren, was involved with ISO in the development of ISO standards for public safety. He engaged himself within “ISO Security & Resilience” which includes Continuity Management, Information Security Management, and other international standards for the benefit of society's security. Over the years, CCG has received several national and international awards such as "Security Consultant of the Year in Sweden 2013" and "Highly recommended - Business Continuity Management Consultant in the World - 2013". Today, CCG has consultants in Sweden and via partners representation across the globe, all with specialist expertise in business and community development, continuity and risk management, innovation, human rights and health & work environment, and with the mission "Rethinking Change" CCG seek to change the way people work together – all for the goal of making this world a better place.
The University of Dubrovnik is a public university founded in 2003 and located in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It consists of seven departments with 257 employees of which 90 hold a PhD degree. Its Department of Economics and Business (DEB) was founded in 1970 as Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade Dubrovnik. The vision and mission of the University are to become internationally recognised institution that actively contributes to local, national and international academic community through education and scientific work coherent with highest standards of excellence. Today, DEB is involved in several projects and educational activities aimed at understanding digital transformation and how it changes the way people live and work as well as on building of employability skills among students. Within DEB, operates also a Center for research on digital transformation CREDO. CREDO will actively contribute to the activities of project with their skills and knowledge. CREDO is involved in activities of building skills in the field of digital entrepreneurship through Erasmus+ Strategic partnership projects Inspiring digital entrepreneurship – IDEA, E+SLEM Entrepreneurial Self-Leadership Education through Virtual Training and ESSENCE. It also has experience of building university-industry cooperation through CBHE activities in the role of coordinator and partner. CREDO is coordinator of Erasmus+ CBHE project ELEGANT that develops industry-oriented education practices of ICT universities in Jordan and Lebanon with the aim of strengthening student transversal skills. Staff of CREDO is involved in ESF funded project E4 that aims to improve quality, relevance and efficiency of higher education through development and use of modern teaching methods and Opera II project aimed at strengthening of science-business collaboration in assessment of needs of labour market and development of human resources in Croatia. Over the years, present members of CREDO were involved in creation and delivering of lifelong learning programmes aimed at enhancing employability skills of graduates and unemployed persons. Its researchers have published their research on topics pertinent to project topic in world leading scientific journals in field of economics such as European Economic Review, Journal of Business Research, Small Business Economics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Research Policy, Technovation or Regional Studies. Being located in Croatia it has rich experience with modernisation of curricula and adjusting its programmes to better serve needs of labour market in turbulent transition environment.
Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid in the National Business Competition sponsored by IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions is specialized in domains like Professional Web Design,Web Development,Software Development,E-Commerce Solutions,E-learning projects and SEO strategies.It also provides online marketing solutions and quality translation services. Internet Web Solutions is providing high-tech,custom and quality web design,Outsourced Web Development and Software Development services with latest and emerging Web Technologies,in particular PHP,Java Script,AjAx and newest DHTML IT languages. Internet Web Solutions has a result-oriented team under one roof that comprises of Software/Web/Creative Designers, Developers, SEO Experts, Programmers, Software Developers and Marketing professionals. Our aim is to make IT technology much more accessible to general and specialized public.
IHF, Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, is a non-profit organisation established in Brussels (Belgium) in 2003. The principal aim of IHF is to provide the community (including non-profit and local authorities) with assistance for the development of a wider international cooperation through activities of specialised training on European policies and the dissemination of European values. One of the means to reach this objective is the organisation of highly specialised courses and seminars focused at the development of European projects. The courses focus on EU Policies and Legislation, International Relations and Project Management, promoting the possibility to participate in EU-funded programmes. IHF organises also study groups to Brussels for young graduates, local authorities’ representatives, SMEs, Universities, promoting mobility activities at different training levels. Since 2004 IHF organised more than 40 study visits to Brussels for more than 500 people. IHF took part as associate partner in previous EU funded projects, contributing mainly to Disseminaton and exploitation activities. IHF provides further assistance through continuous monitoring of EU legislation and European Institution activities, and consequent spread of related information, assistance in the search for partners and building up of networks. Thanks to its presence in Brussels IHF asbl developed relevant experience in the organisation of Dissemination and Valorisation activities at EU level, through contacts with MEPs, other European associations and Institutions, stakeholders, consumers groups etc.
IDP, with branch offices in Italy and in Brussels, was established in 1996 by partners working since 1991 in Brussels in the frame of EU policies and EU funding programmes. It relies on more than 20 years of experience in the development, submission and management of successful EU projects. Since 1999, IDP develops and carries out also specialised training courses for VET and Adult learners focused exclusively on EU related issues (EU Institutions, policies, programmes, project management etc), delivering an average of +1000 hrs/year of training to +550 adult attendees/year. IDP organises also study visits in Brussels to the EU Institutions or the participation of groups of AL to major EU events (such as the Open Days of DG Regio); moreover, it takes part in all EU events held in Brussels (Info days, conferences, meetings etc) and has regulars contacts with officers and representatives of Brussels-based Institutions, practitioners, associations and projects. As a training service provider, IDP organises, manages and delivers high quality specialised training for Local and other public authorities, focusing on the various aspects of project management, planning, financial management, implementation, fund-raising, etc In addition to serving the public and third sector, IDP offers services to institutional clients from both national and regional governments. Moreover, IDP is currently a contractor of the EU Institutions/Agencies having been awarded in 2010 two contracts on the basis of competitive bidding.