IHF, institut de haute formation aux politiques communautaires asbl, è una organizzazione no-profit con sede a Bruxelles (Belgio) dal 2003. Il suo principale scopo è quello di sostenere la comunità di attori socio-economici (autorità locali, PA come altre società for- e non-profit) nello sviluppo di una vasta rete di cooperazione internazionale attraverso il training specializzato su policies europee e la diffusione dei valori comunitari. IHF sviluppa ed implementa corsi e seminari che hanno per oggetto l’implementazione e lo sviluppo di progetti comunitari. Tali programmi di formazione sono centrati sulle policies e le legislazioni UE, sui rapporti internazionali e le best practices di Project Management, sulle opportunità garantite dalla partecipazione ai programmi centralizzati, e sulla condivisione delle strategie comunitarie di crescita ed innovazione. IHF promuove in sede degli study groups destinati a neolaureati, autorità locali, PMI e università incentivando ad ogni livello la mobilità internazionale di popoli e culture. Dal 2004, più di 500 persone sono state “ospiti” dell’organizzazione che ad oggi è arrivata a totalizzare più di 40 visite-studio. IHF è partner consolidato di numerosissimi progetti a finanziamento centralizzato ed è specializzata nelle attività di disseminazione e valorizzazione. Non in ultimo, IHF è in prima linea anche per quel che riguarda il vigile monitorare delle tendenze legislative europee e di ogni altro evento influente su dimensione comunitaria, le opportunità dei partenariati strategici e le occasioni di networking. Grazie anche al fattore geografico, IHF vanta un punto di contatto diretto con il cuore sociale, politico ed economico d’Europa; rappresentato da MEPs, Associazioni e Istituzioni europee, stakeholders internazionali, gruppi di consumatori, sindacati di categoria, ed altri rilevanti organi che operano su dimensione sociale ed economica.
Con sedi sia in Italia che a Bruxelles, IDP è una società fondata nel 1996 da un gruppo di specialisti che operano nel settore delle politiche europee e dei programmi di finanziamento europeo dal 1991. IDP vanta più di venti anni di esperienza nello sviluppo, la presentazione e la gestione di numerosi progetti UE. Dal 1999, IDP si prende cura di produrre corsi altamente formativi nel contesto AE e VET con specifico occhio di riguardo alle tematiche comunitarie più strategiche. Attraverso la sua sede belga, IDP fa scoprire ai partecipanti delle sue visite guidate tutte le istituzioni europee e prende parte agli eventi di maggiore spicco internazionale (conferenze, meeting, info days, etc.). Grazie questa estesa rete di rapporti internazionali, IDP intrattiene su base continuativa proficui legami diplomatici con gli uffici e i rappresentanti degli organi amministrativi europei.
The internationally operating consultancy firm d-ialogo has been successfully operating for 16 years. We are focusing on demographic change, change management of SME and workability of staff and management. d-ialogo was founded by Hans-Jürgen Dorr, an economist with interest in the development of entrepreneurs and the development of companies in cooperation with the staff. Clients include SMEs, especially in the manufacturing industries, german national and state ministries, municipalities, insurance companies, trade and industry confederations and others. Hans-Jürgen Dorr and his team worked extensively on Erasmus+, Equal and Adapt projects (financed by the European Commission). He is one of the leading experts around demographic change in Germany. d-ialogo assists institutions in the development and implementation of qualifications and trainings through state-of-the-art technologies, methodologies and learning solutions. One focus tackles the issue of curriculum writing, foremost the entire development of the Demografie-Lotsen and workability trainings, on behalf of the german government.
The CIT GmbH is the Regional Development Agency (RDA) of the Federal District Spree-Neisse. The CIT GmbH carries out all relevant activities of an RDA like settlement and support service of companies and support service of new business (Entrepreneurship Incubator). Furthermore, the CIT GmbH is responsible for the broadband development in the district and is active in the development as well as company of German-Polish contacts. With the structural change in the region and the associated loss of jobs and know-how (brain drain) the CIT GmbH is searching for new markets for companies of the district to keep the skilled workers in the region. The CIT GmbH is experienced in the project work at Land, Federal and EU level. The projects are mostly focused on the needs of enterprises starting from investments up to personnel qualification. The CIT GmbH provides a whole chain of supporting opportunities for potential entrepreneurs, starting with low-level offers to gain entrepreneurial competencies, advise well before and afterwards the real start of a business, micro financing and European exchange of entrepreneurs.
Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid in the National Business Competition sponsored by IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions is specialized in domains like Professional Web Design,Web Development,Software Development,E-Commerce Solutions,E-learning projects and SEO strategies.It also provides online marketing solutions and quality translation services. Internet Web Solutions is providing high-tech,custom and quality web design,Outsourced Web Development and Software Development services with latest and emerging Web Technologies,in particular PHP,Java Script,AjAx and newest DHTML IT languages. Internet Web Solutions has a result-oriented team under one roof that comprises of Software/Web/Creative Designers, Developers, SEO Experts, Programmers, Software Developers and Marketing professionals. Our aim is to make IT technology much more accessible to general and specialized public.
The University of Dubrovnik is a public university founded in 2003 and located in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It consists of seven departments with 257 employees of which 90 hold a PhD degree. Its Department of Economics and Business (DEB) was founded in 1970 as Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade Dubrovnik. The vision and mission of the University are to become internationally recognised institution that actively contributes to local, national and international academic community through education and scientific work coherent with highest standards of excellence. Today, DEB is involved in several projects and educational activities aimed at understanding digital transformation and how it changes the way people live and work as well as on building of employability skills among students. Within DEB, operates also a Center for research on digital transformation CREDO. CREDO will actively contribute to the activities of project with their skills and knowledge. CREDO is involved in activities of building skills in the field of digital entrepreneurship through Erasmus+ Strategic partnership projects Inspiring digital entrepreneurship – IDEA, E+SLEM Entrepreneurial Self-Leadership Education through Virtual Training and ESSENCE. It also has experience of building university-industry cooperation through CBHE activities in the role of coordinator and partner. CREDO is coordinator of Erasmus+ CBHE project ELEGANT that develops industry-oriented education practices of ICT universities in Jordan and Lebanon with the aim of strengthening student transversal skills. Staff of CREDO is involved in ESF funded project E4 that aims to improve quality, relevance and efficiency of higher education through development and use of modern teaching methods and Opera II project aimed at strengthening of science-business collaboration in assessment of needs of labour market and development of human resources in Croatia. Over the years, present members of CREDO were involved in creation and delivering of lifelong learning programmes aimed at enhancing employability skills of graduates and unemployed persons. Its researchers have published their research on topics pertinent to project topic in world leading scientific journals in field of economics such as European Economic Review, Journal of Business Research, Small Business Economics, Journal of Technology Transfer, Research Policy, Technovation or Regional Studies. Being located in Croatia it has rich experience with modernisation of curricula and adjusting its programmes to better serve needs of labour market in turbulent transition environment.
CCG Clever Collaboration Group (CCG) is changing the way people work together by unleashing the inherent power of organizations for development towards more sustainable business and communities through digital support, strategic management & coaching, and education. The CCG network was established as early as 1995 by pioneers in digitalized work processes, group developments, workshops, and other strategic processes. These pioneers started CCG Europe Ltd in the United Kingdom in 2010. 5G Continuity AB was established in 2009 and took over the CCG brand in 2013 and transformed it into Clever Collaboration Group Europe AB. CCG Europe AB is committed to a strategic level in society. As early as 2007, the company's founder, Pierre Wettergren, was involved with ISO in the development of ISO standards for public safety. He engaged himself within “ISO Security & Resilience” which includes Continuity Management, Information Security Management, and other international standards for the benefit of society's security. Over the years, CCG has received several national and international awards such as "Security Consultant of the Year in Sweden 2013" and "Highly recommended - Business Continuity Management Consultant in the World - 2013". Today, CCG has consultants in Sweden and via partners representation across the globe, all with specialist expertise in business and community development, continuity and risk management, innovation, human rights and health & work environment, and with the mission "Rethinking Change" CCG seek to change the way people work together – all for the goal of making this world a better place.