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AARRR Model in action. The Grammarly example
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AARRR model, Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral


The $13 billion auto-editing software start-up Grammarly has experienced exponential growth in its huge customer base. The user journey map for Grammarly will be used to demonstrate how acquisition, activation, retention, and the other AARRR pirate metrics function.

1.    Acquisition 
Grammarly's marketing initiatives are an example of how content marketing is crucial to acquisition.  The company specifically targets pain-point SEO keywords (e.g., affect vs. effect).  

2.    Activation 
Users are mostly engaged by Grammarly's freemium tool and promotional mailings. 
A welcome email would be sent to users outlining how to get the most out of the editing tool. They will get a fresh email with new advice after each app installation.

3.    Retention
To maintain active clients, Grammarly is working diligently on its email marketing approach.  The auto-editing software company uses trends, badges, and personal records to engage customers.

4.    Referral
Grammarly uses a straightforward affiliate scheme to promote its product. It places a tracking link or banner on a website and get paid when a user signs up for and installs Grammarly.

